Wow the Judges! Is your project topical, innovative, relevant?
Does your project
- Raise awareness?
- Provide improvements?
- Have smart ideas?
- Benefit Northland?
Get inspiration from the Google Science Fair
There are many very worthwhile prizes that would really benefit students:
Class Awards – Every entry is considered for the appropriate Class Awards which offer prizes of between $50 and $200.
Special Awards – Besides the Class Awards there are lots of special awards which offer prizes of between $50 and $150, some include additional prizes such as books or free memberships. more…
Premier Awards – Northpower, Northland Regional Council, AWATEA and GNS Science all sponsor awards with cash prizes up to $1,000, some including paid trips for the winners.
Nomination – to the Prime Ministers Future Scientist Prize. This is a national level competition with a prize value of $50,000 should the student win that competition. Nominated students will receive support to prepare their application.